Thank you for your purchase of ╥Deepak Chopra's The Wisdom Within╙ CD-ROM. We urge you to send in your registration card so that you may be covered by our warranty and stay notified of product upgrades and new releases.
In order to run properly the ╥Deepak Chopra's The Wisdom Within╙ program requires QuickTime (version 2.1 or newer). Version 2.5 of QuickTime along with the Matrix font are included on the CD-ROM.
1. Open the folder called ╥Drag Contents to System Folder╙ by double-clicking on it. Drag all of the items inside ONTO the ╥System Folder╙ on your hard drive. At each dialogue box that may appear, click "OK".
Note: If you already have a version of QuickTime installed, the above procedure may tell you it can not replace a program that is in use. If this should be the case, open the System Folder, then the Extensions folder. Drag the existing QuickTime¬ to the trash can. You may now re-drag the QuickTime¬ from the CD-ROM in to your Extensions folder. Empty the trash after restarting the computer.
2. Make sure your monitor is set to 256 or more colors by checking the Monitors Control Panel.
3. Restart your computer. To begin the program, double-click "The Wisdom Within" icon.
To access the Personal Program and Journal features on the program you will be asked to choose a password. Please write this down and keep it in a safe place. If you forget your password, open the System Folder, then the Preferences folder. Locate and open the WWdata.txt file using a text editing program such as Teach Text. Your password will be listed directly below your user name.
In order for ╥Deepak Chopra's The Wisdom Within╙ to run properly, your monitor must be set to 256 colors or greater. Running it at a lower setting will invoke a dialog box to warn you. Should you proceed, the graphics and colors will distort.
Running the program at thousands or more colors may cause the program to slow down and/or for the video movies to behave erratically on some machines. It also may cause text highlighting to appear in a strange color. If this happens try resetting your monitor to 256 colors.
To adjust your monitor setting, select ╥Control Panels╙ under the Apple menu. Choose ╥Monitors╙ and click on "256". Your monitor will reset automatically.
Sometimes certain system extensions may conflict with the smooth operation of ╥Deepak Chopra's The Wisdom Within╙. If you experience any conflicts, try turning off some of your extensions. Remember the program requires QuickTime in order to run properly. For information on how to turn various extensions off, consult your Macintosh documentation or documentation accompanying the various extensions you may have installed.
Be sure to close any other open applications which might be currently open as they might cause the program to perform sluggishly.
╥Deepak Chopra's The Wisdom Within╙ requires at least 5 megabytes (5,000K) of free memory to run properly. To verify your system has adequate memory select ╥About This Macintosh╙ under the Apple menu before starting any applications to see how much RAM is free and available.
If you find that you have less than 5 megabytes of available memory, you may be able to free up additional memory by turning off some extensions and/or reducing the disk cache size. Consult your Macintosh documentation or documentation accompanying the various extensions you may have installed.
Make sure Virtual memory is turned off. To do this open the Memory Control Panel and turn off Virtual Memory. If you are using RAM Doubler, please disable this as well.